Feel in Love (Feeling Her In My Heart)

1980 May 26

Created by Douglas 3 years ago

You never know what the day is that you meet the right person.

I remember it.

It took me months to understand it was her and no one else I was intended to be with.

She KNEW already.  

She felt it that 26th of May 1980.

Our eyes met as I passed her walking up the hill just as I left my home at that time for work.

I never forgot that day as I drove past her our eyes locked on each other and I almost stopped dead in the road.

They sparkled and shined like stars in the heavens and her smile warmed my heart.

I crept slowly onward looking at her in my side view mirror and when I said, "She has the most beautiful eyes" to myself she glanced back over her left shoulder and peeked at me smiling still.   I almost ran into a ditch and as I regained control and moved even slower onward I looked again and she turned once more and I saw her looking at me again.

Most people never experienced anything like this, but from that day forward until I worked up the courage to tell her how I felt about her, I never stopped thinking about her.  I could feel something happened and I would see her eyes and smile in my dreams and I was amazed that she had that power over me.

She would tell me after we married that it was the same for her.   She saw something in me that day and she remembered me.  She was scared of it at first but she remembered the feeling, the connection and the impact it had on both of us.