Each Day

2021 April 26

Created by Douglas 3 years ago

They say that it will get better, but how can they know.

It is not easier for me to lose my best friend, my lover and my soul mate.

The passing of days does not ease my pain, my sorrow or my longing.

The elapsed time has not stopped the tears I shed.

She was my world, that I worked 40 years to build us a place where one day we could rest alone together and enjoy life.

She was my only comfort when I was sad or sick, hungry or lonely, she was everything to me.

If you had asked her if she thought I would visit a graveyard daily anytime during her life, she would have broken into laughter.  

Now daily I am drawn to visit her, sometimes twice or three times, as I talk with her about our life, the days events and how I only have one thing to look forward to, our reuniting.

Don't think that love dies, it does not.  

It will grow even in absence.

I love you my wife and I will throughout eternity.